The network connection handshake described below establishes a session-unique key in a network-agnostic manner. This handshake procedure should be supported by all implementations.
Handshake Overview
In order to establish forward secrecy, the SDMP uses the following Diffie-Hellman key exchange as the preferred way to establish a session key for a connection:
Handshake: Send Session Creation Object
- The node initiating the connection sends the receiving node a session creation object.
- If the receiving node accepts the session key, it will respond with its own session creation object. (If not, it will respond with an appropriate response object.)
Handshake: Verify Signatures
Since both nodes have each others session creation object, each node has enough information to complete the Diffie-Hellman shared key calculation; the following objects must be sent as encrypted network objects, encrypted using this calculated key.
- The initiating node sends its session creation object inside a signature object to the receiving node, inside an encrypted network object.
- If the receiving node trusts the initiating node, it sends its session creation object to the initiating node, inside an encrypted network object. (If not, it will respond with an appropriate response object, also inside an encrypted network object.)
At this point each node has established the identity of the other node, and has proof that the session key was established by the identified node.
Normal network communication can proceed using encrypted network objects, encrypted using the shared key.
Session Creation
The session creation object is a container object where the only specified schema is the shared key schema, and no other metadata is allowed.
Specifically, the key fingerprint or any other information potentially identifying the node initiating the connection must not be exposed in this object.
The UTF-8 encoded string representation of the JSON object is sent as the data stream for session creation.
E.g., the data stream sent is the output of the function:
UTF8_ENCODE(JSON.stringify(Session Creation Object))
Session Response
If the node rejects the session creation object, or it does not recognize the initiating node as a trusted node, it should send a rejection response prior to dropping the connection. This rejection response is a container object where the only specified schema is the response schema, and no other metadata is allowed.
Specifically, the key fingerprint or any other information about the responding node must not be exposed in this object.
Session Signature
In order to establish the originator of the session key, after the session connection objects are exchanged, they are re-sent inside a signature object signed by the originating node.
This information allows the receiving node to verify that the sending node actually sent the session connection, removing the possibility of man-in-the-middle attacks.
No Additional Data
Placing any additional information or metadata in the session creation object beyond what is specified in the object schema is considered an error.
If this state is detected at any point, the network connection must be rejected.
Connection Validation
When a node receives a session creation object, if the following circumstances are detected the connection must be rejected:
- If the node cannot verify the signature in the object for any reason,
including but not limited to:
- malformed data,
- an improperly generated signature,
- the node does not have the public key of the node which generated the object.
- If the node does not accept the values of
, orN
for any reason.